The Art of Protestã¢â❠Written by Tv Reed Summary

Sun Monday Tuesday Wed Th Fri Saturday
thirty Dec 31 i Jan 2 iii four 5

9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:forty Strengthen/Tone (A)



3:30PM �� 5:30PM

No Transportation/Pool Closed

8:45 Water Therapy (P)
ix:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
nine:twoscore Strengthen/Tone (A)
10:30 Out to the Movies (B)
�Mary Poppins Returns�
11:00 Political Commentator:
John Rothmann (L)
11-12 Blood Pressure level Screening (WC)
12:thirty Poker Club (G)
1:00 Game: Mexican Train Dominoes (G)
2:00 Hot Cocoa Social (A)
3:30 Pianist: Grant Ewald (L)
half-dozen:45 Bingo with Marita (Air-conditioning)

viii:45 Water Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
10:xxx Out to the Movies (B)
�Mary Poppins Returns�
eleven:00 Political Commentator:
John Rothmann (50)
11-12 Claret Force per unit area Screening (WC)
12:30 Poker Lodge (One thousand)
i:00 Game: Mexican Train Dominoes (G)
2:00 Hot Cocoa Social (A)
3:xxx Pianist: Grant Ewald (50)
6:45 Bingo with Marita (Ac)

8:45 Water Therapy (P)
ix:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
ix:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
10:00 Exercises for Residual,
Agility and Stamina (50)
12:45 Game �65� (G)
1:00 Game: Left, Eye, Right (AC)
2:00 Grouping Discussion with
Jerry Wexler (A)
3:xxx Pianist: Peter Master (L)
6:30 Blackjack with Phyllis Parker (1000)

8:45 H2o Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
one:00 Mahjong (M)
one:xxx Safeway Shopping (B)
1:30 The Academy of Art San Francisco � Come and Meet Chris Li, Art Instructor and Manner Designer (AC)
3:30 Prayer Service-Rosary (1000)
three:30 Pianist: Billy Philadelphia (Antechamber)
seven:00 Motion picture Classics (A)

eight:45 Water Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
nine:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
1:00 Mahjong (G)
i:30 Safeway Shopping (B)
1:30 The Academy of Fine art San Francisco � Come and Meet Chris Li, Art Instructor and Fashion Designer (Air conditioning)
3:30 Prayer Service-Rosary (Yard)
3:30 Pianist: Billy Philadelphia (Lobby)
7:00 Moving picture Classics (A)

9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:xxx-eleven Trader Joe�s (B)
9:40 DVD: Let�s Practice with Stephanie Funk (A)
xi:00 Expression of Colors
and Conversation (AC)
12:30 Poker Club (G)
ii:00 Movie (A)
3:00 Bingo with Bob Adams (AC)
7:00 Picture show (A)

6 7 8 9 10 xi 12

nine:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:thirty Millbrae Bible Form (AC)
ix:thirty Spirit Circle (L)
ix:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
eleven:thirty T.V. Mass and Communion (A)
1:00 Afternoon Tea (Fifty)
1:30 Sunday Games and
Bridge (1000)
ii:00 Movie (A)
7:00 Flick (A)

8:45 H2o Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
nine:xl Strengthen/Tone (A)
ten-12 Fine art with Catherine Blair (Ac)
10:xxx Exercises for Residuum,
Agility and Stamina (L)
1:00 Mahjong (1000)
two:00 Rick Deutsch presents:
�The Titanic� (A)
iii:30 Pianist: Paul Hurst (Fifty)
6:45 Bingo with Marita (AC)

8:45 Water Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
ix:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
10-12 Fine art with Catherine Blair (Air conditioning)
10:30 Exercises for Rest,
Agility and Stamina (L)
1:00 Mahjong (G)
2:00 Rick Deutsch presents:
�The Titanic� (A)
3:30 Pianist: Paul Hurst (L)
6:45 Bingo with Marita (AC)

eight:45 Water Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
ix:00 Better Balance and Healthy Bones (L)
9:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
x-2 Millbrae Senior Bridge Order (AC)
10:30 Game �Scrabble� (1000)
11:00 Word Game with Jeri McGovern (A)
1:thirty Lucky, Walgreens, CVS and Lunardi�south (B)
2:00 Interesting Topics with
Dave Nigel (A)
3:30 Guitarist: Dave Crimmen (L)
6:30 Conversations with Marilyn Rosekind (Anteroom)
seven:00 Bridge (AC)
7:00 Book Lodge (A)

8:45 H2o Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
ix:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
x-12:30 JCPenney and Sears (B)
11:00 News and Views (L)
eleven-12 Blood Pressure level Screening (WC)
12:30 Poker Club (Yard)
ane:00 Game: Mexican Train Dominoes (G)
1:15 Millbrae Library Outreach (Lobby)
two:00 California Game Girls with Lisa and Frada (A)
three:xxx Pianist: Bob Gutierrez (L)
6:45 Bingo with Marita (Air-conditioning

8:45 H2o Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
x-12:30 JCPenney and Sears (B)
11:00 News and Views (L)
xi-12 Blood Pressure Screening (WC)
12:30 Poker Gild (G)
ane:00 Game: Mexican Train Dominoes (Yard)
one:fifteen Millbrae Library Outreach (Lobby)
2:00 California Game Girls with Lisa and Frada (A)
3:30 Pianist: Bob Gutierrez (L)
half dozen:45 Bingo with Marita (Air conditioning

8:45 Water Therapy (P)
ix:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
x:00 Exercises for Residue,
Agility and Stamina (L)
xi:00 Symphony-Opera with
Deborah Rosengaus (A)
12:45 Game �65� (G)
1:00 Game: Left, Middle, Correct (AC)
1:30 Parkinson�s Meeting (A)
two:45 Violinist: Tibor Horvath and Pianist: Yelena Savchenko (L)
6:30 Blackjack with Phyllis Parker (K)

8:45 H2o Therapy (P)
ix:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:xl Strengthen/Tone (A)
eleven:30-12:xxx Celebrating National Pizza Month (A)
1:00 Mahjong (Yard)
1:30 Safeway Shopping (B)
3:30 Prayer Service-Rosary (G)
3:30 Guitarist: Mark Holzinger (L)
7:00 Movie Classics (A)

9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
ix:30-11 Trader Joe�s (B)
9:forty DVD: Permit�due south Exercise with Stephanie Funk (A)
11:00 Expression of Colors
and Conversation (AC)
11:00 Furman�s Flicks (A)
12:30 Poker Society (G)
2:00 Film (A)
3:00 Bingo with Bob Adams (Air-conditioning)
7:00 Flick (A)

9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:thirty-11 Trader Joe�due south (B)
nine:twoscore DVD: Let�s Exercise with Stephanie Funk (A)
11:00 Expression of Colors
and Chat (AC)
eleven:00 Furman�s Flicks (A)
12:thirty Poker Club (Grand)
2:00 Flick (A)
three:00 Bingo with Bob Adams (AC)
7:00 Movie (A)

13 14 fifteen 16 17 18 xix

nine:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:30 Millbrae Bible Course (Ac)
9:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
11:xxx T.V. Mass and Communion (A)
1:00 Afternoon Tea (50)
one:30 Sunday Games and
Span (K)
2:00 Movie (A)
7:00 Picture show (A)

8:45 Water Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
ix:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
10-12 Art with Catherine Blair (AC)
10:30 Exercises for Remainder,
Agility and Stamina (L)
i:00 Mahjong (G)
1:00 Spirit Intendance Ministry building (L)
1:00 Millbrae Library Movie Documentary: �Ruth Bader Ginsburg� (A)
3:30 Guitarist: George Moore (Fifty)
6:45 Bingo with Marita (Air-conditioning)

8:45 Water Therapy (P)
nine:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
ix:00 Improve Balance and Good for you Bones (Fifty)
10-two Millbrae Senior Bridge Club (AC)
10:thirty Game �Scrabble� (G)
11:00 Word Game with
Jeri McGovern (A)
1:xxx Lucky, Walgreens, CVS and Lunardi�s (B)
2:00 A New year's day: Traveling and Traditions with Sheryl Rinkol (A)
3:30 MOMRA Quango Meeting (EA)
6:xxx Conversations with Marilyn Rosekind (Foyer)
7:00 Bridge (Ac)

8:45 Water Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
nine:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
11:00 News and Views (L)
xi-12 Blood Pressure Screening (WC)
xi:xv-i:xxx Out to Lunch at Basque Cultural Center (B)
12:30 Poker Club (1000)
1:00 Game: Mexican Railroad train
Dominoes (Thousand)
3:30 Pianist: Reggie Roccinelli (L)
6:45 Bingo with Marita (AC)
vii:00 Mahjong with Shari Caruthers and Friends (G)

viii:45 Water Therapy (P)
nine:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
10:00 Exercises for Rest,
Agility and Stamina (A)
11:00 Symphony-Opera with
Deborah Rosengaus (A)
12:45 Game �65� (Chiliad)
i:00 Game: Left, Center, Right (AC)
2:00 Grouping Give-and-take with
Jerry Wexler (A)
half dozen:30 Blackjack with Phyllis Parker (G)

8:45 H2o Therapy (P)
ix:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
11:thirty Mass with Fr. Joseph Glynn of St. Dunstan�s Church (A)
12:00 Prayer Service-Rosary (A)
1:00 Mahjong (G)
1:00 Engineering science Back up
with Debby Huey (A)
ane:30 Safeway Shopping (B)
3:30 Guitarist: Lisa Sanchez (Fifty)
7:00 Movie Classics (A)

9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:xxx-xi Trader Joe�s (B)
9:30-11 Senior Showcase Health Fair in Millbrae (B)
9:forty DVD: Let�due south Exercise with Stephanie Funk (A)
11:00 Expression of Colors
and Chat (Ac)
12:30 Poker Society (K)
2:00 Movie (A)
three:00 Bingo with Bob Adams (Ac)
7:00 Movie (A)

9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:30-11 Trader Joe�southward (B)
9:30-11 Senior Showcase Health Fair in Millbrae (B)
9:40 DVD: Allow�due south Exercise with Stephanie Funk (A)
11:00 Expression of Colors
and Conversation (AC)
12:30 Poker Club (G)
2:00 Movie (A)
3:00 Bingo with Bob Adams (AC)
vii:00 Motion picture (A)

xx 21 22 23 24 25 26

9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:30 Millbrae Bible Class (AC)
9:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
11:30 T.V. Mass and Communion (A)
1:00 Afternoon Tea (50)
1:30 Sunday Games and
Bridge (G)
2:00 Motion-picture show (A)
7:00 Movie (A)

8:45 Water Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
ix:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
10-12 Art with Catherine Blair (Air-conditioning)
10:thirty Exercises for Balance,
Agility and Stamina (Fifty)
ane:00 Mahjong (One thousand)
1:30 Movie (A)
3:30 Pianist: Andy Hutnik (L)
six:45 Bingo with Marita (AC)

eight:45 Water Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
ix:00 Better Balance and Healthy Bones (L)
nine:twoscore Strengthen/Tone (A)
10-2 Millbrae Senior Bridge Lodge (Ac)
10:30 Game �Scrabble� (G)
xi:00 Word Game with
Jeri McGovern (A)
1:xxx Lucky, Walgreens, CVS and Lunardi�southward (B)
2:00 Round Table with
Lola Borrego (L)
3:xxx Guitarist: Jim Stevens (Fifty)
six:30 Conversations with Marilyn Rosekind (Lobby)
7:00 Bridge (Air-conditioning)

8:45 H2o Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:30-1 Hillsdale Mall (B)
9:xl Strengthen/Tone (A)
xi:00 News and Views (Fifty)
11-12 Blood Pressure Screening (WC)
12:30 Poker Club (G)
one:00 Game: Mexican Train
Dominoes (G)
ii:00 Game: The Price is Correct (A)
3:30 Pianist: Shota Osabe (L)
6:45 Bingo with Marita (AC)

8:45 Water Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
nine:xxx-1 Hillsdale Mall (B)
ix:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
xi:00 News and Views (L)
11-12 Blood Force per unit area Screening (WC)
12:thirty Poker Gild (Chiliad)
1:00 Game: Mexican Railroad train
Dominoes (M)
two:00 Game: The Toll is Right (A)
3:30 Pianist: Shota Osabe (L)
6:45 Bingo with Marita (Air conditioning)

eight:45 Water Therapy (P)
ix:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
10:00 Exercises for Balance,
Agility and Stamina (L)
11:00 Symphony-Opera with
Deborah Rosengaus (A)
12:45 Game �65� (Grand)
1:00 Game: Left, Center, Right (AC)
two:00 Let�s Karaoke with Regina Ignacio (L)
6:thirty Blackjack with Phyllis Parker (One thousand)

8:45 Water Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
1:00 Mahjong (G)
one:xxx Safeway Shopping (B)
100 Birthday Logo
three:00 Marian Goldeen�s 100th Birthday Celebration (50) 3:30 Prayer Service-Rosary (A)
3:30 Pianist: Tony Braganza (L)
7:00 Moving-picture show Classics (A)

viii:45 Water Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:xl Strengthen/Tone (A)
1:00 Mahjong (Grand)
1:xxx Safeway Shopping (B)
100 Birthday Logo
3:00 Marian Goldeen�s 100th Altogether Celebration (L) iii:30 Prayer Service-Rosary (A)
3:30 Pianist: Tony Braganza (L)
7:00 Film Classics (A)

9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:30-11 Trader Joe�s (B)
nine:twoscore DVD: Let�s Practice with Stephanie Funk (A)
eleven:00 Expression of Colors
and Conversation (AC)
11:00 Furman�s Flicks (A)
12:30 Poker Club (G)
2:00 Moving-picture show (A)
3:00 Bingo with Bob Adams (AC)
7:00 Movie (A)

27 28 29 30 31 1 Feb 2

ix:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:30 Millbrae Bible Class (Air conditioning)
9:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
11:30 T.V. Mass and Communion (A)
one:00 Afternoon Tea (L)
i:30 Sun Games and
Bridge (G)
2:00 Flick (A)
vii:00 Movie (A)

9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:30 Millbrae Bible Class (AC)
9:forty Strengthen/Tone (A)
11:thirty T.V. Mass and Communion (A)
i:00 Afternoon Tea (L)
1:30 Sunday Games and
Bridge (Grand)
two:00 Movie (A)
7:00 Picture (A)

8:45 Water Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:xl Strengthen/Tone (A)
10-12 Art with Catherine Blair (Air conditioning)
x:30 Exercises for Balance,
Agility and Stamina (L)
1:00 Mahjong (Thousand)
two:00 History in the afternoon
with Michael Svanevik (50)
3:30 Pianist: Marilyn Cooney (L)
6:45 Bingo with Marita (AC)

8:45 Water Therapy (P)
nine:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
9:00 Better Rest and Healthy Basic (L)
9:xl Strengthen/Tone (A)
10-2 Millbrae Senior Bridge Society (Air-conditioning)
10:30 Game �Scrabble� (Thou)
11:00 Word Game with
Jeri McGovern (A)
ane:30 Lucky, Walgreens, CVS and Lunardi�due south (B)
1:30 Lais Ama from California Hearing Center (A)
3:30 Sing-A-Long with Juri Curiano (L)
6:30 Conversations with Marilyn Rosekind (Lobby)
7:00 Span (Air-conditioning)

eight:45 Water Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
ix:40 Strengthen/Tone (A)
10-xi:30 Dollar Store (B)
eleven:00 News and Views (L)
11-12 Blood Pressure Screening (WC)
12:30 Poker Social club (G)
1:00 Game: Mexican Train
Dominoes (G)
2:00 Economic Talk with Mario Muzzi (A)
three:30 TBA (50)
6:45 Bingo with Marita (AC)

viii:45 H2o Therapy (P)
ix:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
ix:xl Strengthen/Tone (A)
ten-11:xxx Dollar Store (B)
11:00 News and Views (L)
11-12 Blood Pressure level Screening (WC)
12:30 Poker Club (Thou)
1:00 Game: Mexican Railroad train
Dominoes (G)
2:00 Economical Talk with Mario Muzzi (A)
iii:30 TBA (50)
6:45 Bingo with Marita (AC)

eight:45 Water Therapy (P)
9:00 Strengthen/Tone (A)
nine:twoscore Strengthen/Tone (A)
10:00 Exercises for Residuum,
Agility and Stamina (L)
12:45 Game �65� (Thou)
1:00 Game: Left, Center, Correct (Air-conditioning)
1:xxx Ted Talks with Gloria Hoeft (A)
3:30 Pianist: Bob Hearn (50)
vi:30 Blackjack with Phyllis Parker (K)


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