Factorio Direct Feed From Assembler to Assembler

Made it to bots in 40 with 67 red engines and 33 frames. Didn't totally hand feed my way as I originally intended. I do a lot of direct insert gears/gc/coil factories from burner -> furnace -> assembler factories (very few belts except to help optimize walking distance.). The first factory I create is a burner/furnace one, which produces up to 35 burners per minute.


This lets me spam a coal patch as well as burners everywhere. It will also solve the long term smelting problem I hope. Feel free to use these ideas.

My biggest challenge by far really was getting the oil setup, but I found a map where it's super close to where I build everything. I broke down and memorized / practiced the pipe placement separately. I even use shortcuts for this. 😛 I try avoid such things as I'm not really a speedrunner per se, just wanted to get to bots in 40 and was close except for that.

I have zero doubt a GOTLAP top #1 runner could do it five minutes faster. Those guys are cray cray I don't even think a keyboad macro replayer could do it faster than what the current top guy does

I'd upload a video, but only for entertainment value. you have no idea how slow before bots I am, at least relative to you guys.

Speaking of bots -> Next goal is rocket launch in 20 minutes.

Fortunately, I am actually pretty good with blueprints, componentizing them for reuse, and doing optimal things with robots - frankly far more skilled than I am as a keyboard speedrunner. I think I ended up spending 99% of my time in map mode in my longest factorio game. Much more confident about this part than I was about getting to bots in 40 minutes.

Looking at the current speedrun videos, I see so many huge areas for improvement, but it was always after you guys get to bots 🙂 Before bots, I was only amazed at the talent.

Anwyways, yes, I get it, you're doubtful. You ask - but what about all that smelting to be done? How does bot wizardry fix that? 200k iron 200k copper?

Well I can have a large iron/copper smelting op to start out with at least near the beginning.

Remember that burner/furnace factory and coal spam? After a few minutes in I can very easily spam about as many burners/furnaces as I want. I have a near infinite supply as far as that goes and enough coal to feed them.

I'll have to spend a couple of minutes or so setting them up and a little bit extra refueling during the run. But I think I can shave 2 or 3 minutes off my 40 minute run to compensate. I'm sure someone could do even better. Just need to practice my inserter / power technique a bit more. I tried burner inserters, but they use too much min coal.

The burner->furnace->inserter->chest combo I am using is 12 sq meters and produces ~20 iron per minute. On a 32 by 32 patch, that's about 86 sets, and 70K plates per chunk after 40 minutes. I believe the burner refuel is every 300 or so or every 25k total.. Furnaces need to refuel at around 60k?

Shift craft Inventory hack for infinite carry supply, with a few science in between so I can offload 🙂 Grenade tech is very handy and must have for this. If they nerf that, I'm screwed of course. To make sure they don't, I asked them on the forums to nerf it. heh 🙂 WEll, if they do, I'll have to robot deconstruct stuff and belt it out I guess. Not a terrible idea to do anyways. Coal carrying will be a set back tho, but not life ending.

Steel, I'll leave as an exercise for the reader. It's rather important though as I'll obviously need to build a crap load of assembler2 when I go for rocket launch after bots. Perhaps more important than plates themselves.

Anyways, progress.


Source: https://www.speedrun.com/post/c5ucd

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